Ferritin Quantitative Test

FT4 Rapid Quantitative Test (Chemiluminescence Immunoassay)

FT4 Rapid Quantitative Test (Chemiluminescence Immunoassay) is used for in vitro quantitative detection of the Free thyroxine 4 (FT4) concentration in human serum, plasma that contains heparin /EDTA and other anticoagulants and venous whole blood samples, mainly used for auxiliary diagnosis of thyroid diseases.

Product Detail


Thyroxine (T4) is the main product secreted by the thyroid gland and an indispensable component of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid regulatory system. Measurement of T4 levels can be used to diagnose hyperthyroidism, primary and secondary hypothyroidism, and to monitor the effects of TSH-inhibitory treatments.


Thyroid dysfunction can result in either an overproduction (hyperthyroidism) or underproduction (hypothyroidism) of T4 and its active form, T3. Additionally, dysfunction of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus can also affect thyroid function, as they exert direct control over thyroid hormone secretion via thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).


Generally, the concentration of free T4 (FT4) changes in parallel with the total T4 concentration. However, when total T4 levels fluctuate due to changes in thyroid-binding proteins, the measurement of FT4 becomes clinically significant, as it provides a more accurate assessment of the thyroid's functional state. Therefore, the determination of blood FT4 levels can be a useful tool in the auxiliary diagnosis of thyroid diseases and the assessment of treatment effectiveness in related patients.


Product Specification

Sample Volume

WB: 20μL; Serum/Plasma: 10μL

Test Time

15 mins

Measuring Range

3-100 pmol/L







Smart - Photosensitive and Luminescent Microspheres

Rapid - Whole Blood Sample Type Supported & No Centrifuge Needed

Convenient - Room Temperature Storage & Minimal sample consumption


Clinical significance

1. Thyroid Function Assessment
2. Diagnosis and Monitoring of Hypothyroidism
3. Evaluation of Thyroid Medication Dosage
4. Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy
5. Assessment of Thyroid Nodule Function

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